CTAT Resource Guide
Prepared for County Treasurers of Texas by the County Treasurers’ Association of Texas
This Resource Guide is disseminated under the sponsorship of the County Treasurers’ Association of Texas. All legal references to state statutes are current through the enactments of the 88th Texas State Legislature (2023).
Great care has been taken in the preparation of the resource guide, but the publisher cannot guarantee the correctness of all information available, or the complete absence of errors or omissions, or the presence of unintentional inclusions. Therefore, no responsibility for the same can be or is assumed by the publisher or by the County Treasurers’ Association of Texas for its contents or use thereof.
The preparation of the resource guide was undertaken for the purpose of providing county treasurers with a convenient outline of a treasurer’s constitutional duties, responsibilities and liabilities. Also, the resource guide offers the basic guidelines to be followed by treasurers, along with samples of forms they will need to use. In no case should this document be considered as a substitute for statutory and code provisions. In most instances, the County Treasurer will find it advisable to consult the Vernon’s Annotated Texas Statutes and the Local Government Code. The county attorney should be sought for legal interpretation and advice. This publication is intended as a resource. Some information for this guide came from the Texas Association of Counties Web site with permission.
If you have problems viewing the Resource Guide, please contact Cindy Brown at cindy.brown@dentoncounty.gov